Your donations have a meaningful and direct impact.
Thank you so much for your interest and support for our organization this past year. We are grateful for you. Going into the holiday season, we continue to recover homeless veterans to safety, especially from the colder, inclement weather and your steadfast support is critical in allowing us to meet this need.
As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.
Online Donations are a cost-effective way to contribute to Warriors Once Again. Use the PayPal buttons on this page or if you’d like to make a gift in honor /in memory of an individual or organization by selecting the dedication checkbox on our online form.
Mail in donations may use our print-friendly form. Please mail your donations to:
Warriors Once Again
199 North Dean Street
Spartanburg, SC 29302
Whether it is assisting a veteran to keep their car in legal safe condidtion or helping a veteran get to/from work, medical or other appointments, transportation is one of the often overlooked but critical services Warriors Once Again provides.
Financial realities
Finding affordable housing and then affording it with security deposits, first/last months’ rent, setting up utilities, furnishings, and other household requirements comes with its own set of fnancial challenges.
a car is not a home
Reliable transportation is something many people take for granted. In the three years since opening our doors, a number of the veterans who have been accepted into our program have had cars. and some have spent long periods of time living in them, even after they were no longer drivable.
lawful operation
While they don’t have to be pretty, one of the ways we help our veterans succeed is to help them preserve their vehicles if needed to keep them roadworthy. To have one in our program, valid license, registration and insurance are required. When a resident veteran has no resources other than the vehicle itself, we ensure it is in good repair to operate safely.
Please consider making a Donation to help us meet these Transportation needs when they arise.
Access to housing protects people from the elements and many other dangers and health risks associated with living on the streets. Given resource challenges, and social and political barriers, achieving housing for people experiencing homelessness can be a lengthy and difficult process.
financial realities
Finding affordable housing comes with its own challenges – security deposits, first/last months rent, setting up utilities, furnitionings and other household needs. Warriors Once Again ensures a smooth continuum of care for the veteran graduating from homelessness, to transitional residence, to their own home.
not a one stop solution
Once housing has been established, difficulties do not magically end—and in fact, the transition into housing after a period of prolonged homelessness can present entirely new difficulties for people who have been living on the streets or in shelters.
cultural challenges
Required to quickly learn new behaviors and skill sets (pay rent, keep the house clean, grocery shop, get along with neighbors, etc.,) they are sometimes overwhelmed with the difficulty of adapting to housing and need help dealing with fear, self-doubt, or a sense of failure when difficulties arise.